The Ethics of Storytelling: A Critical Look at “Humans of New York”

In the realm of modern storytelling, Humans of New York (HONY) stands out as a powerful and influential project. Founded by Brandon Stanton, HONY has captivated millions with its compelling portraits and personal narratives, offering a window into the lives of people from all walks of life. While its impact is undeniable, the ethical dimensions of storytelling—particularly in the context of portraying real individuals’ lives—merit close examination. This blog delves into the ethical considerations surrounding HONY and explores how the project navigates the complex terrain of personal representation and privacy.

The Ethical Foundation of HONY

At its core, HONY seeks to humanize its subjects by sharing their personal stories alongside their portraits. This approach has fostered empathy and understanding among a global audience. However, the ethical foundation of this storytelling model raises several critical questions:

  1. Consent and RepresentationOne of the primary ethical concerns in storytelling involves consent. For HONY, obtaining informed consent from subjects is crucial. Brandon Stanton ensures that individuals featured in the project agree to share their stories and are aware of how their images and narratives will be used. Nevertheless, the question remains: Does obtaining consent always guarantee ethical representation?Consideration: Even with consent, the portrayal of personal stories requires sensitivity. The risk of misrepresentation or distortion—whether intentional or not—can impact how individuals are perceived by the public.
  2. Privacy and DignityHONY’s approach involves sharing intimate details about individuals’ lives, which can sometimes border on the private or sensitive. Ensuring that subjects are portrayed with dignity is a fundamental ethical responsibility. HONY strives to maintain respect by presenting stories that reflect the subjects’ voices and experiences.Consideration: Balancing the need for compelling narratives with the right to privacy can be challenging. There’s a fine line between respectful storytelling and intruding into personal spaces.
  3. Exploitation vs. EmpowermentEthical storytelling should aim to empower rather than exploit. HONY provides a platform for individuals to share their stories and be heard. However, there is a concern that the project’s success might inadvertently capitalize on personal struggles or vulnerabilities.Consideration: It’s essential for storytellers to evaluate whether their work contributes positively to the subjects’ lives or merely uses their experiences for broader appeal.

Addressing Criticisms

HONY has faced criticism regarding the ethical implications of its approach. Some argue that the project sometimes leans towards sensationalism or that it may exploit the dramatic elements of individual stories for engagement. Brandon Stanton has addressed these concerns by emphasizing his commitment to ethical storytelling practices.

Ethical Best Practices in Storytelling

For those inspired by HONY or involved in similar storytelling projects, adhering to ethical best practices is crucial:

  1. Informed Consent: Always obtain clear and informed consent from subjects. Ensure they understand how their stories and images will be used.
  2. Respect and Sensitivity: Approach personal stories with respect and sensitivity. Avoid exploiting vulnerabilities for dramatic effect.
  3. Transparency: Be transparent about the purpose and potential impact of the project. Ensure subjects are aware of how their contributions will be presented.
  4. Empowerment: Focus on empowering subjects rather than exploiting their experiences. Highlight their voices and agency in the narrative.


Humans of New York has undoubtedly made a significant impact by sharing the rich tapestry of human experiences. Its success highlights the power of personal storytelling in fostering empathy and understanding. However, the ethical considerations surrounding such projects cannot be overlooked. By critically examining these aspects, storytellers can strive to balance compelling narratives with respect and integrity, ensuring that their work contributes positively to the lives of those they feature.

As we engage with storytelling projects like HONY, it’s essential to reflect on these ethical dimensions and consider how we can contribute to a more respectful and empathetic narrative landscape.


1. What is the primary focus of the blog “The Ethics of Storytelling: A Critical Look at ‘Humans of New York’”?

The blog explores the ethical considerations involved in storytelling, specifically examining how Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York navigates issues such as consent, privacy, representation, and the balance between empowerment and exploitation.

2. Why is consent important in storytelling?

Consent ensures that individuals are aware of and agree to how their stories and images will be used. It respects their autonomy and helps prevent misrepresentation or exploitation.

3. How does HONY obtain consent from its subjects?

Brandon Stanton obtains informed consent from individuals by explaining how their stories and images will be used and ensuring they are comfortable with the portrayal before featuring them on the platform.

4. What are some ethical concerns related to privacy in storytelling?

Ethical concerns include the risk of infringing on individuals’ privacy, sharing sensitive or intimate details without sufficient consideration, and ensuring that personal stories are presented respectfully.

5. How does HONY balance storytelling with respecting privacy?

HONY aims to balance these aspects by presenting stories with sensitivity and ensuring that subjects are comfortable with the level of detail shared. The project strives to portray individuals with dignity and respect.

6. What does it mean for storytelling to empower rather than exploit?

Empowerment in storytelling means giving subjects a platform to share their voices and experiences positively. Exploitation occurs when stories are used primarily for dramatic effect or engagement without considering the subjects’ well-being.

7. Has HONY faced criticism regarding ethical storytelling?

Yes, HONY has faced criticism related to sensationalism and potential exploitation of personal stories. Brandon Stanton has addressed these concerns by emphasizing his commitment to ethical practices and respectful representation.

8. What are some best practices for ethical storytelling?

Best practices include obtaining informed consent, respecting privacy, presenting stories with sensitivity, being transparent about the project’s purpose, and focusing on empowering subjects.

9. How does HONY ensure it is not exploiting its subjects?

HONY aims to empower subjects by presenting their stories authentically and respectfully. Brandon Stanton seeks to highlight their experiences without exploiting their vulnerabilities for sensationalism.

10. What role does transparency play in ethical storytelling?

Transparency involves being open about the purpose of the project and how the stories and images will be used. It helps build trust with subjects and ensures they are fully aware of the project’s impact.

11. How can storytellers avoid sensationalism?

Storytellers can avoid sensationalism by focusing on authentic and respectful representation, avoiding exaggeration or distortion of subjects’ experiences, and prioritizing the integrity of the narrative.

12. What are the potential consequences of unethical storytelling?

Unethical storytelling can lead to misrepresentation, harm to subjects’ reputations, invasion of privacy, and exploitation of personal vulnerabilities. It can also erode trust between storytellers and their audiences.

13. How can aspiring storytellers learn from HONY’s approach?

Aspiring storytellers can learn from HONY’s commitment to informed consent, respectful portrayal, and sensitivity in sharing personal stories. Studying HONY’s practices can provide valuable insights into ethical storytelling.

14. Why is it important for storytellers to reflect on ethical considerations?

Reflecting on ethical considerations ensures that storytelling is conducted responsibly, respects individuals’ rights, and fosters positive impact. It helps prevent harm and promotes integrity in the narrative process.

15. Can ethical storytelling still be engaging and impactful?

Yes, ethical storytelling can be both engaging and impactful. By focusing on authentic representation and respectful portrayal, storytellers can create compelling narratives that resonate with audiences while upholding ethical standards.

16. How does HONY handle sensitive or difficult subjects?

HONY handles sensitive subjects by approaching them with care and respect, ensuring that subjects are comfortable with the level of detail shared, and presenting stories in a way that honors their experiences.

17. What are some common pitfalls in ethical storytelling?

Common pitfalls include failing to obtain proper consent, misrepresenting subjects’ stories, prioritizing sensationalism over respect, and neglecting the impact of storytelling on subjects’ lives.

18. How can storytellers maintain respect while seeking compelling narratives?

Storytellers can maintain respect by focusing on authentic representation, being mindful of the subjects’ perspectives, avoiding exploitation, and ensuring that the narrative is presented in a way that honors their experiences.

19. What impact has HONY had on the field of storytelling?

HONY has influenced the field by popularizing personal storytelling and highlighting the importance of empathetic representation. It has inspired similar projects and contributed to discussions about ethical storytelling practices.

20. How can readers critically engage with storytelling projects like HONY?

Readers can critically engage by examining the ethical dimensions of the project, considering the portrayal of subjects, reflecting on the impact of the stories shared, and supporting projects that adhere to ethical storytelling practices.

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